XR Alliances steps up to host a Mini-Assembly 

In the lead-up to the Nottingham Green Partnership Climate Assembly, local groups, organisations, companies and communities, are encouraged to get involved by hosting a mini-assembly. These mini assemblies will enable communities to ask questions about adapting to climate change that are important to them and feed into the questions to be discussed at the main assembly. 

One of these groups, XR Alliances* held a mini-assembly on Saturday, 20 April 2024, at Nottingham’s Sumac Centre. The event, with 24 attendees, was facilitated by the Nottingham Climate Assembly.

A faciliator standing at the front of the room with a flipchart and a group p attendees sat at 2 tables

In break-out groups, attendees discussed two key questions:

  1. What needs to happen to tackle the climate and ecological emergencies? 

  2. How can the Allies work together to make it happen? 

Extensive discussions were held with many important issues raised. These were grouped into 4 major themes:- 

  1. Sustainable infrastructure encompassing several key areas of focus e.g. energy, water, transport.

  2. Build empowerment to influence leaders to change environmental policy through greater participation in democracy. 

  3. Growing, gardening, greening & grub. 

  4. Imagine a new future through the arts and stories. 

 Actions to be taken forward include:

  • Continued work will need organisation (administration, communication and information sharing), and further discussion to include protocol development.

  • Opportunities to work together were identified, and need to be followed up with e.g. Green Hustle, Nature March in London (22 June 2024) and Green Festival to firm up plans.

  • Each theme will need a working group to drive it forward.

  • Organise a mini-assembly with the arts & cultural sector in the city to establish how they can contribute. 

  • The main assembly will discuss themes 1, 2, and 3, and could benefit from input from the arts and story telling communities i.e. theme 4. 

A big thank you to Pam, from Veggies, who provided a delicious vegan lunch to keep all minds focused on the task at-hand.

Should your organisation wish to host a mini-Assembly, we would love to hear from you. Contact us here.

  • XR Alliances represents a collaboration of 15 organisations namely, Friends of the Earth, Notts Wildlife Trust, Nottingham CND, Global Justice Now, Notts Organic Gardeners, Wild NG, Gedling Climate Change Group, Nottingham Open Spaces Forum, Friends of the Forest, Nottingham Climate Assembly Youth Panel, The Nottingham Buddhist Centre, Nottingham Green Festival, Stand Up To Racism and Extinction Rebellion.  


Thanks to Nottingham College, it’s Mini-Assembly Number 3!


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